Hello, I'm Amy

Editor, writer, researcher -- yep, that's me.

Recent Articles

Brunch for the Win: The Best US Cities for Weekend Brunching

Brunch for the Win: The Best US Cities for Weekend Brunching. (Photo: Wealth of Geeks via AP)

Even though breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, only about 35% of Americans ate breakfast every single day in 2022. However, nearly 62% of people eat breakfast on the weekends.

Going out for a morning brunch or breakfast has become an American staple every weekend across the country. People spend part of their weeks figuring out where to grab breakfast with their friends and fa

Recycling Textiles a New Trend in Sustainable Fashion

The lack of suitable textile recycling systems is a more than 17-million-ton problem in the United States.

While most American cities have a curbside pickup program that allows residents to recycle plastic and paper, they rarely offer similar systems for textile recycling.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated in 2018 that textile waste accounted for 17 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW), with a 13% recycling rate.

In an effort to combat the amount of textiles going to

A little bit about me.

I've been writing something since I was at least 10 years old. I worked for 23.5 years at a local daily newspaper and then for 7 years at an e-commerce site, researching, writing and approving deals on anything you can think of. (Don't believe me? Just ask!)

I've also written over 700 freelance articles for the site wiseGEEK.com under the nom de plume A. Kaminsky. 

If you need clean, engaging copy, I can do that. If you're looking for an editor and proofreader to produce fast, accurate results, I can do that, too.

And, if you want someone to do research and fact-checking, well by George, that's me, too!

I love writing and putting words together so people will enjoy reading them. 

Email: amypgeek@gmail.com